Course Description in the Kommentierte Vorlesungsverzeichnis
Information Sheet (updated!)
Classes: Our class meets Wednesdays, 16ct-17.45 in Hörsaal 0.02 at the SfS. The course language is English.
Office Hours: on appointment
Office: Room 2.04 at Nauklerstr. 35, 2nd floor
Phone: 29-77153
Email: jp.soehn at
Jurafski and Martin (draft of 2nd edition), SPEECH and LANGUAGE PROCESSING
An Introduction to Natural Language Processing,
Computational Linguistics, and Speech Recognition
Turing (1950), Computing Machinery and Intelligence
Searle (1980), Minds, Brains, and Programs
Arnold et al. (1994), Machine Translation. An Introductory Guide.
Miller et al. (1993), 5 Papers on Wordnet
Kunze and Lemnitzer (2002), Adapting GermaNet for the Web
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